Where are you located?

Our main facility is located in Caldwell, Texas. We will be opening a secondary facility in 2025.

Are you the same as Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue/Peaceful Valley Mule Rescue?

No, we are not affiliated with Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue/Mule Rescue. They are a completely separate 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Do you have riding mules?

All adoptable mules and their status are on our website under the Adopt tab. Generally, we do not have riding mules, but rather mules that can be trained to ride. You should contact a private broker or attend a sale to purchase a riding mule after doing plenty of research.

Do you adopt out to other states?

Yes, we can deliver within Texas, to New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri year-round. Transportation to all other states is contingent upon our upcoming travel plans and may or may not be possible in a reasonable timeframe.

How do I get my year-end tax receipt?

Please email with a request for your year-end tax receipt.

Why am I getting postal/email solicitations from LMMR?

Fundraising is the core of any nonprofit organization and the only way we can continue our life-saving work. We use an email and a direct mail fundraising program to help raise donations. If you would like to unsubscribe from either please email Instead, you can also reduce the frequency of our requests to quarterly or annually.